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Hailing Island there is a 100 years of history of medicine Emperor Palace
2014-10-29 15:07    Source:
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Last year, Hailing District in carrying out cultural relics discovered in the census, Dan Ji Cun Wei Hui is a town called "medicine emperor palace" of ancient buildings, built in the Qing Dynasty Emperor Guangxu four years 100 years. Let's go to know this "medicine emperor palace" in history.

Dan Ji "medicine emperor palace is located opposite the" Dan Ji Cun Wei Hui, covers an area of nearly 1000 square meters, construction area of 400 square meters, brick wood structure, a total of three, first into the hall, into second is for people to rest, to visit the place, the third honors "medicine emperor" gods. "Medicine emperor palace" antique ancient incense, the gate with three stone pillars are built into the hall on both sides are pillars, top beam, roof and interior landscape, flowers and birds, characters carved, true to life likeness.

According to the village of old, long long ago, there was a good doctor to Dan Ji Cun Medical Museum mend his ways to save him, because of his skill, be healing people are highly effective, and he is free for the local poor people cure is respected by everyone. Now, "there is his prescription bamboo medicine emperor palace". After the death of the person, to commemorate his people built a temple for him, because did not know his name, so he called "medicine emperor" this temple called "medicine emperor palace". "Medical Imperial Palace" in the Qing Dynasty Dao Guang four years reconstruction, now the existence of stone inscriptions temple reconstruction.